Boyd Responda Flex memory foam mattress collection includes wide variety of memory foam mattresses, from very simple 2 layer designs to more sophisticated once using memory foam along with synthetic latex foam layer. Model height depends on the number of layers used and varies between 6" and 12". 20 year limited warranty.
Knit Stretch Cover
Memory Foam
Synthetic Latex Foam - select models
Reflexa Polyurethane Foam Support Core Support Core
20 Year Limited - first 10 years Non-Prorated WarrantyNon-Prorated + 10 years Prorated Warranty Prorated
No Flip, No Rotate No Flip, No Rotate
Body indentation Body indentation of 3/4" or greater required
We don't recommend buying a foam mattress unless you know the height, density or ILD of each layer this mattress was built with. Height and density of a foam layer determines the quality and durability of this layer. Overall quality and durability of the mattress is only as good as the quality and durability of its components.