
Store Overview: 

Macy's is a mid-range to upscale chain of department stores owned by American multinational corporation Macy's, Inc. It is one of two divisions owned by the company, with the other being the upscale Bloomingdale's. As of January 2014, it operates 793 locations in the United States. Not every location has a furniture/mattress department. Mattresses are also available on

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Store Locations: 
Phone / Online Sales
Free local delivery and set up on purchase of $789 and up
Mattresses under $789 $75.00 minimum
Nationwide delivery available
Old Mattress Removal: 
Removal Fee $20.00
Preference Pick Up Fee $75.00
Price Guarantee: 
Exchange Policy: 
1 exchange within 60 days
15% Restocking fee
$75.00 Pick up fee
Return Policy: 
1 exchange within 60 days
15% Restocking Fee
$75.00 Pick up fee
Financing Offers: 
6-24 months interest free on quaified purchases

9111 Duke Blvd.
Mason, OH 45040

(513) 398-5221
BBB Rating: 


Editor's Note: 

There are no additional discounts on mattresses and furniture if you use the Macy's card. As with any large department store chain, regular prices on mattresses are inflated and fluctuate greatly throughout the year but generally are substantially lower during major public holiday sales.